ONE Young World is a global forum for young leaders aged 18-30. The organization hosts an annual summit where delegates from various countries come together to discuss and develop solutions to global issues. Attendees include political leaders, activists, and business leaders who act as counselors. The summit addresses topics such as education, sustainability, and peace, and provides a platform for young leaders to share ideas, make connections, and create positive change. |
ONE young world |
TheYoung Malaysians Movement (YMM), also known as Gerakan Belia Malaysia (GBM), is a youth organization in Malaysia focused on fostering unity and leadership among youngMalaysians. YMM organizes various programs and activities aimed at developing leadership skills, promoting community service, and encouraging civic engagement among youth. The organization plays a significant role in advocating for youth issues and providing a platform for young Malaysians to voice their opinions and contribute to nation-building. |
Young MalaySians Movement |
TheSCOLAR Network(Shanghai Cooperation Organization Youth Leaders Network) is an international youth organization affiliated with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). SCOLAR aims to foster cultural exchange, mutual understanding, and collaboration among youth from SCO member states. The network organizes events, conferences, and initiatives to promote dialogue on issues such as education, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development. SCOLAR seeks to build a community of young leaders who can contribute to the socio-economic development of their countries. |
THE GEOSTRATA is an international organization focused on geopolitics and global strategy. It provides a platform for young professionals and students interested in international relations, security studies, and geopolitics to engage in discussions, research, and policy-making. THE GEOSTRATA organizes conferences, workshops, and networking events to connect young leaders with experts in the field. The organization aims to equip the next generation of leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to address complex global challenges. |
The BRICS Youth Energy Agency (YEA)is a youth organization that brings together young leaders from the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) to focus on energy-related issues. The agency promotes collaboration and innovation in the energy sector, encouraging young professionals and students to engage in projects and research on renewable energy, sustainability, and energy policy. BRICS YEA organizes events, competitions, and training programs to foster a community of young energy leaders committed to addressing global energy challenges. |
EduQuirk, founded by visionary students from AFS Global STEM Academies and the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Social Impact Strategy, is dedicated to fostering changemakers. Our mission is to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application in scientific research and entrepreneurship, particularly for under-resourced students. |
EduQirk |
Aspire, a training and consulting firm established in 2007with headquarters in Egypt, andthree established branches in UAE, South Africa and Uzbekistan. Aspire operates through three distinct business units: corporate consulting, youth empowerment and employability, and community transformation. These units collectivelyspecialize in education, inclusion of marginalized communities, gender empowerment, and capacity building. |
Aspire |
Youthinkgreen Egypt is a development consulting house that was founded in 2013 in Egypt aiming at fostering sustainable development among diverse communities, through executing hands-on non-formal Education, Consulting, and Entrepreneurshipprograms.Youthinkgreen aims at scaling up Sustainability innovations with support and guidance from private and public keg players. We offer Impact-based holistic experiences for our partners and beneficiaries adding value to their sustainability footprints, commitments, and performances. |
Youthinkgreen |
Agar |
Agar's background is in Nuclear and Quantum engineering from institutions like KAIST (South Korea), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) and Université Paris-Saclay (France). He has worked on advanced reactor projects such as MYRRHA, at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN) and Liquid Fission Thorium Burners (a.k.a Molten Salt - an outdated term) whose alternative Thorium Fuel cycle is being explored by The Thorium Network.Agar is the first African to get EMINE Certification from EIT InnoEnergy. He holds a postgraduate diploma from the prestigious Esade Business School in Barcelona, Spain. He is also a member of the BRICS Youth Energy Agency Young Expert Group in Nuclear Energy and Technology and a co-founder of the Nuclear Society of Kenya. |

Poetry for Planet is an international youth-led creative movement to celebrate the unsung climate champions from across the world by documenting their unique struggles in creative formats such as poetry and prose. Our aim is to empower and heal the climate community through the power of storytelling.We seek to mould a universal fraternity of climate leaders to recognize their collective psychological, social and financial struggles in an attempt to avert the climate crisis. |
Poetry forPlanet |