This program provides training to the most in-demand data science skills and includes hands-on exposure to key tools and technologies, including Python and Tableau. Participants take an in-depth exploration of data modeling and visualization techniques. - Explore statistics concepts, data handling, sampling techniques, fundamentals of programming & scripting in Python. - Discover data using modeling, patterns, and algorithms and business applications techniques. - Create quick data visualization using tools in Tableau with interactive dashboards to gain insights, show trends, and tell stories for real-world capstone projects and more. 详情见http://gjcbg.cic.tsinghua.edu.cn/gjc/detail.jsp?seq=14284&boardid=98010401
1.我校正式注册在读的本科生及研究生; 2.英语水平良好,需达到以下任意一项英文水平: TOEFL iBT: 85 | CET 6: 480 | IELTS: 6.0 | Duolingo: 85 3.成绩良好:GPA 3.0。
1.12月11日17:00前提交纸质版清华大学海外学习线上短期项目申请表.doc至国际处海外学习办公室(李兆基大楼B416室); 2.12月11日17:00前完成网申:go.ncsu.edu/gti-datascienceapp。 注:该截止时间早于项目网站所示日期,请以我校通知为准。