“亚洲校园(CAMPUS Asia)”,全称为“亚洲大学生集体行动交流计划” (Collective Action of Mobility Program of University Students),由中、日、韩三国政府主导实施,旨在促进中、日、韩大学交流与合作,为培养亚洲下一代杰出人才做贡献。 东京工业大学(Tokyo Institute of Technology,简称 Tokyo Tech),是以工程技术与自然科学研究为主的理工科大学。东工大共有3个学部、6个研究科,另外还包括资源化学研究所、精密工学研究所等150余个校内共同教育研究设施。东工大作为研究型大学,在学术研究、科研成果和教育教学等许多方面在日本和世界享有盛誉。 Participating students will: - Have an opportunity to listen to special lectures by professors at Tsinghua University, KAIST, and Tokyo Tech. - Improve team discussion, presentation and communication skills - Get to know other students from three nations - Deepen the understanding of cultures of other countries - Feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of the camp Benefits of Participation: - A certificate with the project leaders of the three universities will be issued to all participating students after having successfully completed the program - The best presentations will be awarded prizes - Students will deepen their understanding of the cultures and peoples of the three dominant East Asian countries 更多详情见:http://gjcbg.cic.tsinghua.edu.cn/gjc/detail.jsp?boardid=6902&seq=14273
1.我校正式注册在读的本科生或研究生; 2.根据对方学校申请亚洲校园本国政府奖学金的要求,我校申请该项目学生需为中国国籍; 3.学习成绩优秀,英文水平良好。
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