2018 Tsinghua Summer School for International Construction
The Tsinghua summer school for international construction is an intensive program which will last about 10 days annually. The target audience includes industry practitioners, final year undergraduate students and postgraduate students from around the globe who are majored in construction, engineering, and architecture. This year, the summer school will be held from 25th June to 3rd July 2018. The instructors come from different parts of the world and have different educational and professional backgrounds. We are keen to build this program into a prestigious periodical event which can contribute to the construction education domain, as well as improve the mutual understanding between Chinese and international students and industry practitioners. The course will cover hot topics in international construction, such as: Global and Chinese construction industry and market, Construction contract bidding, Benchmarking, Information and Communication technology and Safety and Risk management. Summer school students will have the opportunity to interact with Chinese students, professors and industry practitioners (either local or from abroad). Historical site visits such as the Forbidden City and Temple of Heaven will also be arranged and besides the visits, there will also be a free day for the students to explore other parts of Beijing. The program will be delivered in English. Upon completion of the program, each student will be presented with a Certificate of Tsinghua Summer School for International Construction issued by Tsinghua University. For more details, please visit the official website http://summerschool.pm.tsinghua.edu.cn/ and make an confirmed registration if you want to join us (The application at Tsinghua International Education website is also needed).
Doctoral Students
1100USD (The fee includes accommodation (fully furnished room with air-con, internet connection, and basic electric appliances), arranged city tour, farewell dinner, and certificate of completion. It does not include personal insurance or any other additional personal expenses.)
31st May, 2018
Ms. Li