名师讲坛 | Robert STERN:Hegel, Luther, and Freedom


Robert STERN:Hegel, Luther, and Freedom





主题:“这便是宗教改革的根本内容:人类靠自己是注定要变成自由的”:黑格尔、路德与自由‘This is the very essence of the Reformation: Man in his very nature is destined to be free’: Hegel, Luther, and Freedom 主讲人:Robert STERN主讲人简介:Robert STERN,英国谢菲尔德大学哲学系教授,博士生导师。英国国家学术院院士、哲学史中心联合创始人兼谢菲尔德大学负责人、英国哲学史学会管理委员会成员、英国黑格尔学会理事会成员、国际黑格尔协会理事会成员、皇家哲学研究所理事会成员。Professor Robert STERN is Professor at Department of Philosophy, University of Sheffield. He was elected as a Fellow of the British Academy in 2019. He is a Co-founder and Sheffield organizer of the Centre for the History of Philosophy (CHiPhi),a member of Management Committee of the British Society for the History of Philosophy, a member of Council of the Hegel Society of Great Britain, a member of Vorstand of the Hegel-Vereinigung and a member of the Council of the Royal Institute of Philosophy.Robert STERN教授的主要研究方向为19世纪后康德时代德国哲学史、认识论、形而上学、伦理学与政治哲学。他主要讲授的课程是《哲学思想史》《黑格尔的精神现象学》《Knud Ejler Løgstrup伦理学中的激进要求》等。Robert STERN教授获得多项国家资助,在重要期刊上发表论文百余篇,并主编书籍十余本。Professor Robert STERN’s research focuses primarily on the history of philosophy in nineteenth century post-Kantian German philosophy, especially Hegel. His interests in contemporary philosophy are in epistemology, metaphysics, ethics and political philosophy. He has been teaching History of Philosophical Ideas, Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit and The Radical Demand in Løgstrup’s Ethics at the undergraduate and graduate level for many years. Professor Robert STERN has received severa national grants, has published over 100 journal articles, and is the editor of more than 10 books. 讲座内容简介:这次讲座的目的,是在黑格尔对马丁·路德的接受以及更一般的宗教改革的语境之中,考察黑格尔关于自由的说明。它将集中论述这一主题的四个维度:宗教自由与社会自由;自由作为恩典与自由作为和解;自由作为从律法中获得的解放;自由作为一种必然性,而非任意的选择。我们将会论证,在黑格尔关于上述主题的思考当中,路德都发挥了重要的影响,而这种影响此前从未被充分地考察过。The aim of this paper is to put Hegel’s account of freedom in the context of his reception of Martin Luther, and of the Reformation more generally. It focuses on four dimensions of this issue: religious and social freedom; freedom as grace and reconciliation; freedom as liberation from the law; and freedom as necessity rather than arbitrary choice. It argues that Luther is a significant influence on Hegel’s thinking concerning all these issues, in ways that have not been fully explored previously.





英国时间:Fri. 10th June 12.15-2.15pm



原文链接:名师讲坛 | Robert STERN:Hegel, Luther, and Freedom