从菲格赫、乌尔夫到伊斯兰法和习惯法: 19-20世纪伊斯兰社会法律规范的实证化
From Fiqh and 'Urf to Islamic and Customary Law: The Positivization of Legal Norms in Islamicate Societies (19th-20th centuries)
主讲人:Baudouin Dupret
讲座时间:5月12日(周三) 16:00-17:30
鲍德温·杜普雷(Baudouin Dupret)是法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)资深研究员,比利时鲁汶大学法学院客座教授。他的主要研究领域为穆斯林世界的法律与规范、法社会学和法人类学。
他的著作包括Adjudication in Action: An Ethnomethodology of Law, Morality and Justice (Ashgate, 2011), Practices of Truth: An Ethnomethodological Inquiry into Arab Contexts (John Benjamins, 2011), Ethnographies of Islam: Ritual Performances and Everyday Practices (Edinburgh University Press, 2012), Law At Work: Studies in Legal Ethnomethods (Oxford University Press, 2015), What Is the Sharia (Hurst, 2018), Ethnographies du raisonnement juridique (LGDJ, 2018), Legal Rules in Practice: In the Midst of Law's Life (Routledge, 2020),Positive Law from the Muslim World: Jurisprudence, History, Practices (Cambridge, 2021).