英国牛津大学是一所世界闻名的公立研究型书院联邦制大学,由45所书院及私人学堂组成。它是英语世界历史最悠久的大学,也是现存最古老的高等教育机构之一。「学在牛津」 工程与领导力系列讲座由牛津大学摄政学院牛津全球发展与展望研究院(Oxford Prospects and Global Development Institute)和清华大学学生全球胜任力发展指导中心主办,由九期讲座组成,将为大家介绍工程伦理,就业能力和创业技能、职场心理学以及STEM专业的领导力等内容。期望通过牛津讲师的分享与介绍,提升同学们在本专业的领导力,从而更加勇于突破、善于协作,更好地成为未来的科技领导者。
第九期讲座主题:Leadership in Materials Science
Professor Martin Castell is a Professor of Materials in the Department of Materials and a Fellow of Linacre College at the University of Oxford. He runs a research group investigating the atomic scale structure and properties of surfaces and nanostructures. Its main instruments are two ultra-high vacuum scanning tunnelling microscopes that can image surfaces at atomic resolution. By characterising and processing surfaces on the nanoscale they aim to create new materials for applications in catalysis, gas sensing, microelectronics, and diverse areas of nanotechnology. He is a Member of the Institute of Physics (IoP) and holds Chartered Physicist (CPhys.) status. He serves on the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (IoM3) Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Committee. He is interested in the atomic structure of the surfaces of materials, in particular the surfaces of oxide crystals, atomically thin films of oxides on metal substrates, and the networks that form when molecules self-assemble on surfaces. This research is directed at solving problems relevant to catalytic processes and nanotechnology. He is also developing a sensor for the detection of low concentrations of gas-phase analytes.
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