


(English version below)


11月10日星期三,教科文组织总干事奥黛丽 · 阿祖莱和埃塞俄比亚总统萨赫勒-沃克·祖德将公布“教育的未来”报告,其中概述了2050年全球教育的未来。报告之后将举行一次国际会议,专门讨论后疫情时代的教育发展。



教科文组织还支持各国转变其教育系统,首先是 1972 年的富尔委员会及其报告《学会生存:教育世界的今天和明天》,然后是 1996 年的德洛尔委员会及其报告《教育:内在的财富》。





报告介绍后将举行由教科文组织和法国共同主持的全球教育会议。它将汇集国家元首、40 多位教育部长和国际组织的代表,共同讨论如何在后疫情时期加强教育,并以可持续的方式增加对教育的投资。

近 70% 的国家仍未达到建议的教育支出基准,即占 GDP 的 4% 至 6% 或占公共支出总额的 15% 至 20%,该基准是在 2020 年上届全球教育会议期间制定的。联合国教科文组织还估计,各国在新冠疫情危机后制定的恢复计划中,只有不到3%用于教育和培训。



下午 1:30 - 发表教育未来报告

下午 2:30 - 全球教育会议

在报告介绍结束时(下午 2 点 20 分左右)和全球教育会议结束时(下午 6 点左右),将有机会与教科文组织和参与国的代表进行简短的问答。



通过认证,您可在整个大会期间访问教科文组织。请必须至少提前 72 小时申请认证。该表格可于下方链接获得:


如需获取《教育的未来》报告的禁运副本,请联系 Léo Bégé:l.bege-duclaud@unesco.org

如有其他问题,请联系 Thomas Mallard:t.mallard@unesco.org



Invitation - UNESCO unveilsnew report

on the Futures of Education

On Wednesday 10 November, UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay, and Sahle-Work Zewde, President of Ethiopia, will unveil the Futures of Education Report, outlines the future of education worldwide in 2050. The presentation will be followed by an international meeting dedicated to bolstering education after the COVID-19 pandemic.


Since its foundation 75 years ago, UNESCO has worked tirelessly in favour of education, notably by conducting vast literacy campaigns, supporting teacher training and mobilizing intellectuals throughout the world.


The Organization has also supported States in the transformation of their education systems, first with the Faure Commission in 1972 and its report, Learning to Be: the World of Education Today and Tomorrow, then with the Delors Commission in 1996 and its report Learning: the Treasure Within.


The profound changes that the world has undergone in recent years have made it necessary to develop new proposals. Such is the purpose of the report that will be unveiled on Wednesday 10 November by Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, and Sahle-Work Zewde, President of Ethiopia: Reimagining Our Futures Together: a new social contract foreducation.


With this report, UNESCO proposes a new social contract for education that helps us build our relationships with others, with our environment and with technology.


The presentation of the report will be followed by a Global Education Meeting, co-chaired by UNESCO and France. It will bring together Heads of State, over 40 education ministers and representatives of international organizations. Together they will discuss ways to strengthen education after the COVID-19 pandemic and to increase investment in education in a sustainable way.


Almost 70% of countries are still not meeting the recommended benchmarks for expenditure on education, i.e. 4% to 6% of GDP or 15 to 20% of total public spending, formulated during the previous Global Education Meeting in 2020. UNESCO also estimates that less than 3% of the amounts of recovery plans put in place by the States after the COVID-19 crisis are allocated to education and training.

Course of the event:

1.30 pm - Presentation of the Report on the Futures of Education


2.30 pm - Global Education Meeting


An opportunity for a brief question and answer with representatives of UNESCO and of participating States will be offered at the end of the presentation of the report, around 2.20 pm, and at the end of the world meeting on education, around 6 pm.

Practical information:


A single accreditation enables access to UNESCO throughout the GeneralConference, of which this event is a part. Accreditation must be requested at least 72 hours in advance. The form is available here:


To obtain an embargoed copy of the Futures of Education Report, please contact Léo Bégé: l.bege-duclaud@unesco.org


Forother questions, contact Thomas Mallard: t.mallard@unesco.org


More information:
